Heartfelt Scribbles

Welcome to ‘Heartfelt Scribbles,’ a sanctuary where words come to life through everyday experiences, and ideas find their voice amidst the ordinary. Here, the pages awaken with the ink of my thoughts, where I pour out my musings, reflections, and short stories inspired by the world around us. This digital realm serves as a canvas for my thoughts on a myriad of topics, using the fabric of everyday examples to illuminate life’s intricate tapestry.

From heartfelt reflections rooted in common experiences to stories that resonate with our shared humanity, each scribble is a glimpse into my world and a testament to the power of relatable storytelling. Join me on this journey through words, where we explore the depths of emotions, ponder life’s mysteries, and find inspiration in the everyday stories we share.

Fungai Mettler Fungai Mettler

In Every Life

"In every life, especially the hardest ones, doorways of possibility and gateways into the miraculous swing open, revealing the reality that everything that each one of us experiences is part of some intelligent – and yes, often illogical-plan meant to draw us nearer to our greatest powers, most wonderful circumstances and highest good.

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Fungai Mettler Fungai Mettler

There is enough light to go around

I bought two plants on the same day, same shop and they were the exact same size. The one on the left I placed in a dark corner and the one on the right in a bright one.

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Amaru Küng Amaru Küng

Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace

I went to my parents-in-law's garden and they showed me the most amazing flower, the Nachtkerzen (Evening Primrose). As the sun started setting – my mother in law invited me to witness this beautiful process.

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Fungai Mettler Fungai Mettler

Exploring life, death and purpose

I read something that I found interesting and it spoke about age being relative. We often hear that the older you are, the closer you are to dying, that is how nature works.

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